Sunday, August 7, 2011

Keeping a Health Journal

This August, my goal is definitely to put together a health journal. As I have journals of all types and I also make my students keep journals, it is not surprising that I have decided to create a binder for my health. What should I keep in this journal?

Everything about my health...

1 a record of my weight
this will help me track my weight over a period of time
2 medical records and history
This includes my past illnesses and dates, medication, etc
and future appointments like mammograms, pap smears, etc
3 interesting articles
There are many good articles on health which I want to refer.
4 exercises
These are exercises from magazines which I want to try
and also a log of my daily exercises
5 recipes for health

6 important tips
7 goals and targets

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Too busy for exercise?

I have been very busy for the past one month with event after event to supervise and organise. It is at this time that many people tend to slack off and put off exercising. As for me, I like to start my exercise at 6am. So, whatever comes my way the rest of the day, I have already done my share of exercise. Of course, there are thousand and one excuse early in the morning while I am still snuggling in the warm cosy bed. Yet, if you constantly listen to the inner voice, the voice of excuses get softer and softer. I think I am much fitter...soon perhaps I will have a six-packed muscles too???? Ha ha...Definitely, I can see some muscles coming into shape but I don't think I have lost much weight...The only thing I am happy with the exercise is I have managed to keep off the 10 pounds which i have lost thus far....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fitting my clothes

The best part of losing weight is being able to fit into your clothes. I have lots of clothes hidden at the back of the cupboard, too beautiful to part but too tight to wear. Well, I am glad I kept them because one by one, I am able to fit into them again. I remember the doctor's advice, do not look at the weighing scale but look at your clothes and how they fit.
I don't think I have seriously starved or stick to a strict diet. I don't think it would have lasted. I get bored so easily. I just committed to half an hour of exercise everyday for the past one and half month. I tried to eat sensibly especially for breakfast. Lunch and dinner are still the same except that I skip deep fried food.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Goodness of Cucumber

I received this from my has been circulating thru e-mails..It tastes quite nice.

Cucumber Juice -General facts
• Cucumber is VERY Alkaline.
• Cucumber Juice is EXTREMELY good for your Hair, Skin and Nails. It Really is True.
• Cucumber Juice is High In Potassium. Cucumber Juice can Lower Your Blood Pressure.
• Cucumber is a wonderful source for Silica. Silica is important for healthy connective tissue, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, tendons, and bone.
• Cucumber Juice has Molybdenem, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, Tryotophan, Magnesium, and Chlorophyll.
• Cucumbers are a GREAT way to Cool Down Your Body.
• Cucumber is Anti-Cancer in that it is VERY high in Alkaline Minerals and Cancer cannot Live in an Alkaline Body.
• Cucumber Juices is also used to heal and cure issues with Acne, Water Retention, Arthritis, Kidneys, Eczema, Psoriasis, Weight Loss and Hair Loss.
• Cucumber Juice is a useful Anti-Flam agent. Drinking Cucumber Juice can get Your Bodies Inflammation Down.
• Cucumber Juice is a Diuretic and Therefore has wonderful Cleansing Powers.
In Conclusion, Juicing Cucumbers is a quick way to lead a pain free live, to Prevent and Reverse Cancer – High Blood Pressure and other diseases.
Benefits of Cucumber Juice
Although most people are familiar with cucumbers since they typically appear on salads, few are aware that cucumber juice proves to be highly beneficial for a wide variety of health related issues. Eating cucumbers may decrease the appearance of blemishes such as pimples and blackheads making it an effective and an often-referred remedy for acne. However, it is essential to understand the full potential of the cucumber by examining the benefits of drinking cucumber juice to combat everything from high blood pressure and constipation to cancer.
Along with healthier skin, cucumbers contain a lot of water making it ideal for a variety of common issues. For those wishing to decrease their blood pressure, drinking this fruit in the form of juice, may provide a noticeable amount of relief as the blood pressure slowly declines. Furthermore, anyone dealing with the pains of constipation will also benefit from this fruit due to its high levels of alkaline and increased amounts of water. In terms of dieting and diabetes, cucumbers are ideal for an afternoon snack to rebuke hunger for those wishing to lose weight.
Another great factor with this fruit includes its high percentage of sulfur and silicone. For this reason, cucumber juice may aid those wishing to increase the growth of hair. The high amounts of sulfur and silicone also make cucumbers particularly good for growing healthier nails. Furthermore, cucumbers contain Silica, which is ideal for healthier ligaments, tendons, and muscles, making it perfect for people seeking relief of rheumatoid problems such as arthritis. Now for what may be the most important of all, cucumbers are extremely high in alkaline levels making it difficult for cancer to live in a high alkaline environment; therefore, cucumbers may prove beneficial in avoiding cancer of all types.
This fruit’s benefits range from beauty remedies such as removing bags, restoring hair, and promoting healthy development of skin and nails to serious concerns such as potentially decreasing the risk of cancer development. Regardless of if you need a natural laxative, acne remedy.
There are a variety of ways to prepare cucumber juice, including simply running a freshly washed cucumber through a juicer. However, you may also combine this great, refreshing fruit drink with other juices such as carrot juice. Try adding sugar and honey to your cucumber beverage to sweeten it to taste. Many people prefer to add ginger to the drink mix for a spark of flavor. Regardless of which cucumber juice mix you use, drinking and eating these healthy cucumbers will definitely help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, proving to be highly beneficial for all.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Eating well

After more than a month of exercising and eating properly, i have managed to lose 5 pounds...not much compared to the Biggest Loser's standard but anyone who had struggled with weight would know how hard it is...More importantly, my blood sugar is back to normal...from 6.1 to 5.5.
To keep this up, I need to be very organized and vigilant. The canteen food does not help at all. It is all greasy stuff like fried meehoon, mee and kueh teow. So, I need to prepare my own breakfast. Malaysians eat a very carbo-based breakfast. We have roti canai, noodles, bread, nasi lemak and more...This does not augur well for our health in the long run. 18 years of canteen food is enough to cause a lot of diseases.

For breakfast, I have been having oats or a chicken/tuna salad.

I make savoury oatmeal, adding chicken, mushrooms and some vege. It tastes like porridge. Some days I put fruits and some nuts. I add almonds, walnuts and some raisins. The important thing is it must taste nice otherwise I will not take it for long.

Other days, I make a salad. I buy some organic vege from supermarkets, add some cooked chicken/tuna, any fruits, some olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. Add some salt and pepper. It actually tastes quite nice. After chomping for 20 minutes, I feel quite full. Mid-morning, I take an apple. This is quite fast to make in the morning when I am rushing for time. But it needs some planning. I cook extra chicken the night before and just keep it. Or, when I have a roast chicken, the extras goes into my salad.

Twice in a week, I make a vegetable omelette. I know eggs are full of cholesterol but it is very good protein. I buy the low-cholesterol eggs(don't really know how true it is) and I sometimes use two egg whites. I add any vegetables I have (kuchai, any greens, carrots) and I sprinkle some low-fat cheese. Really delicious.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Benefits of brisk walking

We have read everywhere about the benefits of walking but rarely do most of us put it into the practice. After reading a few articles on the Internet, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of benefits of walking. Do you know that walking for at least 30 minutes a day is not only good for your heart but it is also good for your brains. Studies have shown that there is less cognitive decline on women who walk daily. Even a 10-minute brisk walking is enough to improve cognitive function. to keep walking. Besides, walking for 150 minutes per week can reduce the risk of diabetes by 60 percent. I am going to use myself as the guinea pig. Gonna do this and see if my blood sugar comes down in my next checkup.

In my housing area in town, a few elderly women starts their walk at 6.30am. I think I should be able to join them if I get up early. I calculated that if I do a quick round the block, it would take me about 15min. I would still be able to bathe and get ready for school as it is only a stone's throw from my house. Some of my friends said I could do my walking in the evening but I would like to throw in a good 15min walk in case I have to go for a meeting or run a course or extra classes and I would miss my walk.
For beginners, it is best to begin with 15-20 minutes of walk and increase as you get stronger. It does get easier. When I first started out, I could only do 10 minutes of brisk walking. Today, three weeks later, I can do 2km without huffing and puffing.
It is important that you get a good pair of shoes for walking. As I have plantar fasciitis, I bought an extra gel cushion for the ball of my feet.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why we find it hard to lose weight?

I have been doing my own research and reading. Why is it that we work so hard and still cannot lose weight? How I wish it could be like the Biggest Losers reality show where people lose many pounds every week. The problem is a result of these two hormones - insulin and glucagon. Insulin, our fat storing hormone, has a duty to control the rising blood sugar by transporting from the blood stream to the muscle,liver and fat cells. Insulin drives sugar into the cell to be utilized or stored as fat.
The opposing hormone to insulin is glucagon. It is a fat-releasing hormone which is stimulated by the intake of protein in our diet. It is also suppressed by the intake of carbohydrates.
To put it in layman's term, when we eat a lot of white bread, rice, mee, soft drinks, insulin levels begin to rise rapidly and glucagon drops.This high levels of insulin now drive the sugar into our muscles, liver and fat. So, if we hardly move or exercise, this will be stored as fat.
Therefore, eating a balanced diet and exercising make sense. So, I need to eat sensibly to release glucagon if I want to lose weight. When I am continually eating high-glycemic carbohydrates like nasi lemak, mee goreng, roti canai, white bread, I am stimulating the release of insulin and suppressing glucagon. We are carbo-addicts. And if I continue to do this, I will have insulin resistance.

It's time to regain my health

Today is the first morning I woke up without heart palpitations. It has been a month since it all started. After many visits to hospitals, checkups, blood tests and all kinds of tests, I have found that this happens for a good reason. I found that I am overweight, not pleasantly plump, as I always fooled myself into believing. My blood glucose is slightly high and this would lead to diabetes and heart diseases if I continue to live a sedentary lifestyle. What happened to the sportswoman that I know I was, I asked myself. What happened? For the past 3 years, life, stress and most of all, laziness took over. Other things became more important than my health. I allowed myself to be lazy, to watch Tv instead of doing something else, to continue to eat whatever there is instead of planning. I let my work and commitments dictate how I live my life.
So, I take this as a wake-up call. It is not too late. I have decided to make several commitments to arrest the decline. Firstly, I need to plan my meals carefully and that is not easy, having to cook for everyone at home. I am gathering healthy recipes and making a plan when school reopens. I need to shop for certain things that would be good for my health. Low-fat yogurt, wholemeal bread, etc. No more fried mee, nasi lemak (well, maybe once or twice)and KFC.
Today, I started breakfast with a vegetable omellete, horlicks with low-fat milk.
Mid-morning snack would be an apple. Lunch would be tricky as I need to prepare for everyone but no more fried chicken or lemak stuff.
I am also happy to say that I have continuously maintained my exercise regime for two weeks. I know that the target is not to just lose weight but I want to get my fitness back. Once I start exercising, I will be able to restore the normal response to insulin.
So, this blog will be about my journey to regain and maintain my health. Come, join me.